As a Coach
It's a misconception that coaching an athlete with a disability requires highly specialized skills, knowledge, or training. In fact, most coaches who work with athletes with a disability soon discover that coaching these participants is really no different than coaching any other athlete. The secret to successful coaching is to truly understand the person, to focus on their abilities, and to see what they can achieve (Canadian Paralympic Committee, 2014).
Curious, watch this video created by the Canadian Paralympic committee:
Interested in receiving more information or getting involved, contact Parasport NB at info@parasportnb.ca
NCCP Coaching Courses
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and sport safety education to coaches and coach developers across various sports. Parasport New Brunswick is responsible for coach development in 4 sports listed below. In additional to sport specific training, there are many NCCP multisport modules to advance coaches education.

Contact Parasport NB for upcoming coaching courses

Contact Parasport NB for upcoming coaching courses

Contact Parasport NB for upcoming coaching courses

Explore coach.ca for modules offered online (Coaching athletes with a disability)
Contact Parasport NB for upcoming coaching courses

Explore multisport modules offered in person and online
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