Our Programs
Welcome to Parasport NB, where we believe that everyone has the right to participate in sports. Our mission is to create opportunities for individuals with disabilities to learn new skills, develop self-confidence, and build meaningful connections through parasport. Our programs are designed for participants of all ages and abilities, offering a wide range of activities in a fun and inclusive environment. Join us today to experience the thrill of parasport and take part in an active and healthy lifestyle.
Wheelchair Basketball Programs
Wheelchair Basketball Canada has a new online membership database. There is a two step process to complete your Parasport NB wheelchair basketball Registration:
1) Please create a profile and complete the RAMP registration
2) Select the program you are registering for and proceed to payment
Boccia, Wheelchair Rugby & Goalball programs
Please select a program to register and complete the payment process.

Moncton Boccia Program
Valid for one year
Equipment provided
In depth learning of the sport

Wheelchair Rugby
Fredericton Wheelchair Rugby Program
Valid for one year
Sunday's at École les Éclaireurs
Equipment Provided (Rugby chairs, Rugby ball, etc.)

Valid for one year
3 vs 3 game
Blindfolds provided
Trained Coach
Saint John
Program Calendar
Our Partner Programs
Below are various programs offered throughout New Brunswick. They are delivered via a club or Provincial Sport Organization. Click below to find out how to get involved!